26th June


Is Spinal Decompression Painful?

People don’t like pain, and some of their first questions to a chiropractor Westchester will be, “Will their treatments hurt or make the pain worse?” A spinal decompression chiropractor will be as honest as possible. We at spinal decompression Westchester aim to put patients at ease and want our patients to know that what we do is a safe and gentle form of therapy. But people need more information, so unless we have undergone spinal treatments ourselves, we must rely on other client’s viewpoints when talking to new clients.

Throughout the years, we hear most of our patients say they experience no pain during one of the decompression procedures. A few say there is a little discomfort. When this happens, we take their complaints seriously. We encourage open dialogue throughout their treatments, so we can prevent any pain or find out what may be hurting them. Our patient’s safety, as well as their care, are our priority.

When pain or discomfort occurs, it’s usually due to a patient positioned improperly on the spinal decompression table or that we have gotten the traction adjusted incorrectly. This only takes a few adjustments and then the patient usually relaxes and allows the gentle stretching to work its magic.

We recommend patients to use ice packs after their procedures to reduce inflammation. When they return for another treatment, we usually hear them say their muscles were sore, but they weren’t in as much pain as before. Most are eager to take another treatment because it does help them. A person’s pain can overwhelm their entire life. So, when we see them moving better and having a better attitude, it makes us happy.

Decompression doesn’t focus only on pain treatment, though. Pain is not the root cause of a patient’s discomfort. A misaligned skeletal structure is the cause. Decompression targets the entire spinal cord–from the neck to the tailbone. To treat back or neck pain, medical doctors will treat the cause of pain, which is inflammation. We don’t recommend the use of strong pain relievers. Drugs don’t treat the cause of spinal pain that is due to inflammation around a nerve. A misaligned neck or spine can make a person hurt all over their body. Back or neck braces can help with support and stability, but they won’t realign the spine.

So, when people ask if there is spinal decompression near me, we want them to know that Advanced Spine and Sports Medicine would be happy to help them. Decompression is not for everyone, as some people do need extensive treatment that requires surgery. You should not wait until you can’t move, and don’t get hooked on pain relievers, because spinal decompression is a gentle solution that is proven to work. It just takes time.
