21st June
Is Physical Therapy Painful?

Is Physical Therapy Painful?

Is Physical Therapy Painful?

No physical therapist out there is actively trying to hurt their patient but rather solve the problem that they are dealing with. However, it is a common narrative more often than not that patients come back in complaining about how they are sore the next day or even throughout the week. It is a common misconception that it was something that the therapist did. In more cases than not, it wasn’t. The therapist is just fixing a problem in your body and sometimes, your body reacts, which ends up hurting you. Think about it this way. If your muscle composition has remained in a poor posture for years and years, once you start practicing the right posture, your body starts to ache. Why do you ask? Because your body isn’t used to it. Your body is used to forming scar tissue around problems in your body. But as you can see, all this does is cure the symptom and not the actual problem itself. This is where professionals like chiropractors and physical therapists differ. They attack the problem with methods that have worked over and over again. When you fail to do the exercises that they tell you to do, all you are doing is letting your body sink back into whatever problem it had in the first place. As a result, you see little, if any progress at all. The exercises are there to get your body used to how it is supposed to be, not to compensate for how it was. In the end, I would not question a professional doctor on how I am supposed to take care of my body. They are the professional so you should value their opinion, especially if you want your physical pain to go away.

You might be asking, “Is there physical therapy near me?” The good news is that there are physical therapists everywhere! If you are having any pain whatsoever, I would highly recommend consulting with one. They really know their stuff and are willing to help. Make sure that the visit will be covered under your insurance before you schedule a visit. I would recommend consulting with physical therapy Westchester if you are in the area. Westchester physical therapy is one of the best therapists in the area in terms of helping their patients and giving them results. If you are having back problems, be sure to contact chiropractor Westchester.
