The Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is one of many popular non-invasive treatments that can be used to improve the quality of your skin and reverse signs of aging. Like a facelift or facial rejuvenation procedure, this is a safe alternative to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Who wouldn’t want to take part in a stress-reducing treatment with supplementary benefits?
How Cosmetic Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture has been around for centuries and is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a reliable, and widely practiced treatment. When you visit an acupuncturist near LAX, they will explain the process, and what is to be expected before and after treatment. As you age, the skin loses collagen (a protein in your body that strengthens skin and maintains hydration). Unlike Botox injections, facial acupuncture in Los Angeles addresses specific signs of aging.
During your session, an acupuncturist will insert between 40 to 70 tiny needles into your forehead, cheeks, and surrounding areas on your face. When the needles gently penetrate the skin, they create positive microtraumas or wounds. As this happens, the body reacts by quickly working to “repair” the skin while simultaneously increasing blood flow and boosting collagen to diminish fine lines, eliminate age spots and lift sagging eyelids.
When the skin is punctured, the needles also stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems to increase oxygen flow to skin cells. But what does this mean for you? As nutrients and oxygen are delivered to your cells it promotes a natural glow and even complexion. Additionally, as collagen levels improve so will the elasticity of your skin. When it comes to facial acupuncture, the goal is to create long-term changes throughout several treatments. You can expect to see full results after 10 or more sessions, as each works to maintain results from previous sessions.
How Much Does It Cost?
The price of facial treatments can range between $25 to $1,500 according to However, at our chiropractic near LAX, we are offering a special for only $80. Instead of spending thousands on a cosmetic surgical procedure, try a safer, more affordable option at Advanced Spine and Sports. We recommend adding on a full-body acupuncture treatment if you suffer from anxiety, depression, stress, or simply experience chronic pain such as:
- Headaches
- Knee Pain
- Back Pain
Meet Miriam Nouri – IVF and Cosmetic Acupuncturist
Miriam Nouri recently has joined the team at our chiropractic location in Los Angeles. She has been practicing acupuncture for three years and has helped hundreds of patients transform their appearance and improve fertility results. A few key benefits of booking a cosmetic appointment with Nouri are:
- Improving fine lines and wrinkles
- Lifting eyebrow muscles
- Lifting sagging forehead muscles
Patients that are participating in vitro fertilization (IVF) can benefit from acupuncture as well. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) acupuncture has increased success rates by 50% in conjunction with fertility treatments like IVF. The needling targets pressure points for fertility.
Nouri is also trained to perform acupuncture for anxiety, depression, insomnia, mobility issues, and migraines. To schedule an appointment with us today, call (310) 943-3451!