10th April
Conditions that Benefit from PRP Injections

Conditions that Benefit from PRP Injections

Regardless of whether you’ve ever played any sports or not, you might experience problems with your spine as you age. These problems can be due, in part, or wholly to sports injuries if you ever did play sports when you were younger, and they can worsen over time and cause you a lot of trouble, especially if they are left untreated and if you work a physically demanding job that puts a lot of strain on the affected areas.

Fortunately, medical science has come up with many innovative treatments for conditions that affect the spine, one of which is PRP injections. PRP stands for platelet rich plasma, and these types of injections basically use platelets from your own blood to help regenerate growth and healing in the affected areas. PRP injections in Westchester have proven effective for many patients dealing with all kinds of conditions, some of which include the following.

Torn Ligaments
Maybe you’ve torn some of your ligaments. A torn ligament can certainly cause you immense pain. Rather than trying to go in and surgically repair the ligament, you could opt to try Westchester PRP injections first. By injecting some of your healthy blood platelets in and around the area where your torn ligament lies, you’ll essentially be boosting your body’s own natural healing process. Think of it like planting a seed with fertilizer. Where your body would have attempted to repair itself anyway, you are jump-starting the process by way of the new formation of blood vessels and fibers. The goal of the new ones is for them to grow so that they will tighten, repair and strengthen your torn ligaments.

Knee Injuries
A lot of football players and other athletes suffer from knee injuries. Rather than having a knee surgery or even if you’ve already had a knee surgery, you might want to try a chiropractor Westchester to see if he or she can help your knee injury heal with PRP injections.

Other Conditions
In addition to knee injuries and torn ligaments, there are a variety of other painful conditions that PRP injections can address. For instance, if you suffer from carpal tunnel or arthritis, the injections could help with that. They could also help with joint stiffness, causing loss of motion and tendonitis.

If you’ve been receiving treatment for chronic conditions for years and the pain doesn’t seem to be getting any better, consider getting PRP injections near you today.
