5th June
Chiropractic Care for Migraines and Headaches

Chiropractic Care for Migraines and Headaches


Chiropractic Care for Migraines and Headaches
When you have a crushing headache or a pounding migraine, a chiropractor may not be the first medical professional that you consider calling. However, with the right combination of spinal manipulation, passive exercises, active exercises, and massages, treatment and prevention are possible. In today’s article, we’re going to focus on the three main types of headaches that chiropractic treatment can address. These are tension headaches, migraines, and cervicogenic headaches.

Tension Headaches
Headache relief Westchester is common for those who suffer from episodic tension headaches. These can result from prolonged tension of the head, shoulders, and neck area. To treat this type of headache, your chiropractor Westchester will apply force to the joints of the neck. This will allow the cervical segments to have rhythmic movement and stretching. This is often medically referred to as low-load craniocervical mobilization.

Migraines are defined as headaches that also come along with dizziness and nausea. Chiropractics in Westchester have two main treatment options they can use, which are neuromuscular massage and multidisciplinary care intervention. The neuromuscular massage simply works on the basis of trigger points. The chiropractor will massage the trigger points on the head, neck, shoulders, and back to ease the symptoms. With multidisciplinary care intervention, the chiropractor will use a combination of stress management, dietary counseling, physical therapy exercises, and relaxation techniques to treat the migraines.

Cervicogenic Headaches
By searching for, “the best chiropractor near me,” you will be able to treat cervicogenic headaches with deep neck flexion exercises, joint mobilization, and spinal manipulation. Your chiropractor will actively move the muscles and joints of the neck to stretch them during deep neck flexion. During joint mobilization, the joints at the cervical spine are passively moved to reduce pain. With spinal manipulation, the specialists will apply force to specific joints of your spine. This can be done with a machine or by hand. With this type of treatment, you’ll hear a popping noise when the force is applied.

With many of these different headache conditions, patients find that they have to work persistently alongside their chosen medical professional to formulate a unique treatment plan that works for them. This could include lifestyle changes, chiropractic treatments, and over the counter medications. Traditionally, chiropractors were not regularly consulted when it came to persistent headache issues. However, they are becoming an ever-increasing popular consultant on formulating successful treatment plans for patients with these problems.
