29th October
Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture for Infertility

If you’re having issues with infertility, you’ve likely been doing some online research to discover a solution to your dilemma. While there are various medications that you can try to enhance your body’s fertility, you may not be ready to test out those drugs just yet. Acupuncture is a great alternative treatment to help promote more fertility in your body.

Acupuncture is a holistic practice that works by inserting ultra-thin needles into various acupuncture points throughout the human body. These points are also commonly referred to as meridians or channels. Your chiropractor Westchester will be able to explain these points and how they have pathways that are both internal and external of your body.

When you undergo acupuncture therapy in Westchester, the therapist’s goal is to remedy the underlying malfunction that is causing infertility. Some of these underlying conditions include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It’s important to note that acupuncture can be effective at treating some underlying conditions, but not all of them. For example, if there are tubal adhesions due to pelvic inflammatory disease, acupuncture won’t be an effective treatment option.

You can start your acupuncture Westchester treatment about three to four months before an expected insemination process. This insemination process can be in vitro fertilization or a donor-egg transfer. By having acupuncture performed before this insemination, it can work to enhance your body’s fertility level. You’ll want to continue with your acupuncture treatment at least throughout the first three months of your pregnancy. This will work to ensure that you lower your risk of having a miscarriage. You will need to work with your acupuncture therapist so they know when pregnancy has occurred.

The points at which they insert the needles will change once you are pregnant. They’ll no longer put needles into the abdominopelvic region. This region is comprised of six main acupuncture points. You can still get acupuncture for back pain, muscle aches, headaches, and other common everyday symptoms of pregnancy. Just keep your therapist informed of your health status throughout all your treatments. As you can see, acupuncture is a great method for helping to combat issues with infertility in the body. You’ll want to ensure that you only go to a licensed acupuncture profession as the careful placement of the needles during pregnancy is a must. Realize that acupuncture can treat many other commonly experienced conditions, not just infertility.
