9th October
How Does Yoga for Spinal Decompression Work?

How Does Yoga for Spinal Decompression Work?


Dealing with back pain can be debilitating. While your first instinct may be to remain inactive until the pain goes away, that’s not the best option. Rather, you should work to include spinal decompression exercises in your daily routine to stay flexible and reduce your feelings of pain. With spinal decompression Westchester, you can focus on enhancing your overall range of motion. If you’re not familiar with this term, it simply refers to the measurement of a movement of a joint in the body through its natural rotation. When you have back issues, it can cause the surrounding joints in the back to tense up. This can add to the usual pain that you experience. By enhancing your natural range of motion through regular exercises, you can work to stretch out those joints to relieve pain.

When going to a spinal decompression center, it’s likely that the physical therapist may perform some traction to help relieve the pressure on your spine. Traction is a term given to the practice of physically stretching the body apart. When the spine is stretched out, it will create more room for the discs. This practice can drastically help those who have pain from pinched nerves and herniated discs. There are various methods for adding traction to your spine.

Your spinal decompression chiropractor will also likely work to stabilize your spine. This stabilization will help to reduce the amount of pain that you experience in your lower back. The overall goal of this practice is to get your spine in a neutral position when you’re performing your exercises. This will help to ensure that you build up proper strength, balance, and neuromuscular control of your spine.

Your chiropractor Westchester will advise you to strengthen the muscles around the joints that you’re having problems with. This practice will help to prevent any future pain problems. When your muscles become stronger, they take unnecessary pressure off of your bones and joints. This is how it reduces pain or injury in the future. Opting for core strengthening exercises is your best bet for strengthening the muscles around the joints that you’re having problems with. There are various yoga exercises you can do which are low-impact but allow for the strengthening of the lumbar muscles.
