Gentle Chiropractic Techniques for Neck Pain
Traditional chiropractic techniques may involve slight pain during the technique or even loud sounds such as cracking. Often times, these techniques are utilized with a quick technique and a large range of motion. There are also more gentle techniques that can be applied to relieve pain.
1. Cervical Mobilization
Most gentle chiropractic techniques involve the patient feeling more relaxed and at ease. The same is true for this technique in which the patient lies on his or her back in a comfortable position. The techniques utilize smooth stretches to enhance motion rather than quick jerking type movements.
The chiropractor will move the vertebrae with his or her hands from left to right. The bones will be moved back and forth and via a figure 8 motion. The head may be moved back and forth and will be rotated. These movements will be repeated throughout until the range of motion is increased.
2. Cervical Manual Traction
In this technique, the patient will also be relaxed. He or she will be laying on their back or sitting, whichever is most comfortable. Comfort is the focus of this technique to loosen muscles in the neck.
In this technique, the chiropractor will stretch the spine by pulling the neck forward and back. The angle of the pull will change throughout to ensure the patient is comfortable and to ensure the technique is working. Cervical traction and cervical mobilization are often moved in tandem to achieve the best results.
3. Cervical Drop
The final relaxed position involves the patient either laying on his or her side or stomach. The difference in this technique is that special equipment is utilized with a head drop piece that is locked in place. This will assist in loosening muscles or improving range of motion.
The chiropractor will easily push on the spine until the drop piece releases. This version of treatment also does not allow for any noises that may be uncomfortable for the patient. This is due to the fact that the patient will not have his or her neck actually rotated or turned.
Why Get a Gentle Chiropractic Technique?
There are many reasons a chiropractor may encourage a patient to utilize one of the gentle techniques aforementioned. Sometimes, however, the patient will request that gentler techniques are utilized that make them more comfortable and relaxed. If a chiropractor is more experienced in a certain type of technique, he or she will utilize the gentler techniques as well.
There are medical reasons in which a patient requires gentler techniques, however. If the patient’s neck has endured trauma after a car accident, for instance, he or she will need a gentler technique. If there is a tumor or an instability or infection in the spine, a gentler technique will be recommended as well.
If you are looking for a chiropractor near LAX who is an expert in utilizing gentle techniques, call Advanced Spine Sports. Many patients have rated this office as having the best chiropractor near LAX. Call to schedule your chiropractic adjustment near LAX utilizing one of these gentler techniques.