13th November
Physical Therapy for Scoliosis

Physical Therapy for Scoliosis


Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine moves to the side and turns. This condition can happen at any point throughout a person’s life. However, it’s more commonly detected during adolescence. With between two to three percent of the population dealing with this spine condition, it’s likely that your chiropractor near LAX is familiar with various treatment options.

The Team Approach To Scoliosis

Since scoliosis can range from mild to severe, different treatment options may be recommended by physical therapists near LAX, depending on the severity of the condition. A team-based approach is one of the most highly recommended. Your treatment team should include your orthopedic physician/surgeon, family physician, chiropractor near LAX, and the best physical therapists near you.

The Different Types Of Scoliosis

Physical therapy near LAX can be used to treat all different types of scoliosis. Depending on the specific type of scoliosis that a patient has, they may be instructed to undergo one treatment over another. Let’s take a look at some of the most common scoliosis conditions that people experience.

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Also referred to shortly as AIS, this is the most common type of scoliosis out there. It affects children aged 10 to 18, mostly those who have a family history of scoliosis conditions. Since this condition is idiopathic, there is no identifiable cause.

Congenital Scoliosis
This type of scoliosis occurs early on in the womb. During pregnancy, the bones of the spine undergo a deformity that results in an unnatural curvature of the spine.

Neuromuscular Scoliosis
With this type of scoliosis condition, there is a nervous system condition that triggers a weakening of the spine’s muscles. These nervous system conditions include muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy.

Onset Scoliosis
This condition happens between birth and the age of 10. If the condition is diagnosed between birth and age three, it’s classified as infantile scoliosis. If it’s diagnosed in a child older than three but younger than 10, this condition is classified as juvenile scoliosis.

What Does Scoliosis Feel Like

The best physical therapists near you will reveal that scoliosis can be a pain-free condition. However, some curving abnormality does affect the surrounding muscles and joints. When this happens, a person’s alignment, movement patterns, and posture can change. This change can result in painful irritation, loss of flexibility, and loss of strength. Most physical therapists near LAX notate a few key indications that a person has scoliosis. These include:

  • Pain in The Pelvis, Hips, And Shoulders
  • Pain With Specific Activities / Movements
  • Uneven Lining Of Both Sides Of The Body
  • Uneven Waistline
  • Uneven Shoulder Height
  • Uneven Hip Height

When you seek out physical therapy for auto accidents near LAX, their primary focus will be to reduce your pain. Then, physical therapy for auto accidents near LAX will work to restore your mobility and provide you with strengthening exercises to maintain that new level of mobility. Overall, physical therapy near LAX is intended to improve your quality of life.
