Acupuncture for Menopause? How This Therapy Can Ease Symptoms - Advanced Chiropractic Spine & Sports Medicine
1st December
Acupuncture for Menopause? How This Therapy Can Ease Symptoms

Acupuncture for Menopause? How This Therapy Can Ease Symptoms

Menopause is the natural decline of reproductive hormones that women typically go through between their 40s and 50s. Common symptoms that follow are hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, insomnia, back pain, and cognitive changes. While medications can reduce how severe it can be for you, it only provides short-term relief. And not everyone is a great candidate for hormone replacement therapy. 

Acupuncture therapy is an excellent alternative to supplements or hormone remedies if your symptoms have ramped up in the past few weeks. When our trained acupuncturists insert a thin needle, you’ll see an immediate difference as it reduces pain and improves mood. Studies conducted in 2019 show the stimulation can alter the way the brain reacts. 

How It Works for Hot Flashes, Back Pain, and Insomnia

Hot Flashes
According to Harvard Health, approximately 80% of women experiencing menopause also suffer from hot flashes and night sweats. The purpose of acupuncture for this condition is to promote healing and hormonal balance. We target the area surrounding your kidneys causing you to feel warmer than usual. Outside of routine appointments, it’s best to have a balanced diet and keep hydrated.

Lower Back Pain
Lower estrogen levels can cause severe deterioration of the lumbar disc and increase lower back pain. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system by releasing endorphins – feel-good hormones. Before you know it, the aches and pains associated with menopause will be gone. In addition to acupuncture, we might also recommend a spinal decompression or chiropractic adjustment.

Are you feeling fatigued? Without getting a good night’s sleep, it can have an adverse effect on your health. Acupuncture has shown significant results in improving sleep among patients by focusing treatment on the inner ankle. According to Healthline, when the Achilles tendon is relaxed, your neck and cervical spine will also be. 

Why wait for menopause relief? Acupuncture is a safe, affordable treatment we offer at our chiropractic center.
